NEUR 2110 Statistical Neuroscience
An introduction to the statistical modeling of multiscale neural dynamics in networks of neurons and large-scale brain networks with a focus on stochastic processes and random dynamical systems. Analysis of dynamical and statistical network properties: stationarity, directed transfer functions, stability and bifurcations, phase transitions. Related applications to prediction, control, low-dimensional representation, probabilistic neural population encoding and decoding are introduced as well. This is a course for senior undergraduate and graduate students with a background in systems/computational neuroscience and/or applied math/biomedical engineering. Lectures are accompanied by hands-on Python/Matlab-based applications to real and simulated neural data. Topics include (1) time and spectral domain models of network dynamics based on multivariate neural time series and point process observations with exogenous inputs; vector autoregressive processes, nonlinear Hawkes processes; stability, transfer functions; (2) identification of directed interactions in networks of neurons and brain inter-areal communication (Granger causality, transfer entropy, ODE networks); (3) collective dynamics and low-dimensional representations of network dynamics; (4) Prediction, neural population encoding and decoding for brain-computer interfaces: Bayesian probabilistic approaches based on linear/nonlinear state-space models, machine learning; (5) data assimilation for modeling neural network dynamics. Example datasets include neuronal spike trains, local field potentials, ECoG/SEEG.